Asterisk Pages

Feeling generous? Want to help me stay alive/pay for my bandwidth? Why not
Asterisk Live! CD (scroll down) Asterisk Live! CF and Asterisk Live! PXE
Asterisk SMS page
Asterisk Getting started guide page
Asterisk Callerid POP page
Asterisk work in progress page
Asterisk MySQLSwitch page
My Modifications to Open 79XX page

Jennie Bears!

Asterisk extended guide (work in progress)

My wishlist

New app_cepstral which works with the Swift voice engine from Cepstral

Copy the app_cepstral.c file to your asterisk source tree (apps folder) . You'll also need to add a lines like these to the Makefile in that directory:

and then after the section that compiles voicemail add app_cepstral.c
        $(CC) -D_GNU_SOURCE -shared -Xlinker -x -o $@ $< -lz -lm -lceplex_uk -lceplex_fr -lswift -lceplex_us -lceplang_en -lceplang_fr -lz -ldl -L/opt/swift/lib -I/opt/swift/include

Make sure the $(CC) line starts with a tab, not spaces. Note the example lines above only link against the uk, us and French libraries, if you use others then you'll need to link against those too/instead. This version also has a couple of asterisk cli commands:

asterisk*CLI> show cepstral
female      licensed    male        neuter      unlicensed  voices
for example:
asterisk*CLI> show cepstral female voices

Available Cepstral voices:

      Name       Gender    Age   Language             Sample Rate        License
      ========== ========= ===== ==================== ============= ============
      Isabelle   female    30    Canadian French            16000Hz     licensed
      Linda      female    25    US English                 16000Hz     licensed
      Emily      female    30    US English                 16000Hz     licensed

If you want to use your meteor caller id unit for asterisk (or misterhouse or similar) then try this:

right click and save as... if you run windows then use winrar to extract it

You will need Device::SerialPort for perl, and if you want to use the AGI then Asterisk::AGI

Asterisk Live! CD

There is an updated README on the CD... - oh and the root password is EPPING (all caps)

Please note I am receiving a lot of email with regard to the CD, please don't be offended if your reply is not immediate

Asterisk Live! is a bootable CD with a copy of asterisk on it, Put together by Andy Powell where the original Getting Started With Asterisk guide lives, you can download it from:
here (build 0.1.2) or here (build 0.1.2) Local Copy - md5sum: ccd723b1697ba4aa5f9df002e52c58d1 asterisklivecd.iso


here (build 0.1.6) Local Copy or here (build 0.1.6) - md5sum : 69eb38f388f11e350375e89f0fa97d66 asterisklivecdbuild-0-0.1.6.iso

Even Newer

The Asterisk Live CF Card edition.

PXE boot Edition

Boot your asterisk machine via the network using PXE with the Asterisk Live PXE boot edition.

The bug tracker has moved to Stropharia for you to report problems or add your feature requests etc... due to consolidation of resources. All existing users and bug reports have been ported over.

Special thanks to:


for hosting it for me ...
In the meantime here are a few of the splash screens I'm toying with, and you can read the basic README

Latest changes include:

- 0000014: [Asterisk Configurations] Can't specify zaptel hardware
- 0000012: [System Configurations] keyboard language mapping
- 0000001: [Feature Requests] Add FWD IAX key file
- 0000011: [System Configurations] no default /etc/resolv.conf

And here is the boot splash screen designed by PlanetWayne (